Qing Hua is no stranger to the challenges Singaporean students face when learning Chinese. After graduating from a reputed university in China, he began his teaching journey when he joined MOE Singapore in 2005. Since then, Qing Hua went on to achieve a Diploma in Education (NIE), and has taught both Chinese and Higher Chinese in various local MOE schools. 

Recognised locally, Qing Hua was also featured in an interview by a reputed educational publisher, Singapore Asia Publishers (SAP).

Is there a fast and easy way to learn Chinese? ft. EduSpace

Qing Hua’s teaching methodology is aptly expressed by the Confucian saying, “有教无类, 因材施教”  – Teaching students according to their aptitude. Deeply familiar with the MOE syllabus and its learning objectives, he skillfully meets a student at where he or she is at, while effectively delivering syllabus requirements.

To Qing Hua, learning Chinese can actually be enjoyable. His rich experience enables him to identify common mistakes and adopt tailored strategies to not only help students master the language, but also ignite a genuine interest toward the subject.

The Chinese taught by Mr. Zhang is very good and I can understand it. His teaching method is very good – he patiently guides me in Chinese when I don’t understand certain things.

JK Koh
eduSpace student

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